GAČSAR, a village in the Karaj district, situated at an altitude of 2,210 m at 110 km northwest of Tehran and 7 km south of the Kandavān Tunnel on the main road to the Caspian coast. It had a population of about 166 in 1365 Š./1986. Its farmlands on both sides of the Tehran-Čālūs road are irrigated by the river Karaj. Its products are fruits and plants for animal fodder. Of natural plants, marjoram, marshmallows, and bugloss grow there. Of wild animals, jackal, wolf, fox, boar, and bear inhabit the area. It has a gypsum mine and a hotel built during the time of Reżā Shah as a royal residence. There is little information about its past, except that Nāṣer-al-Dīn Shah sojourned there twice (Eʿtemād-al-Salṭana, Montaẓam-e nāṣerī, ed. Reżwānī, III, p. 1908; idem, Merʾāt II, p. 1768).
Moḥammad-Ḥasan Khan Eʿtemād-al-Salṭana, Merʾāt al-boldān, ed. ʿA.-Ḥ. Navāʾī and M. H. Moḥaddeṯ Ormavī, Tehran, 1367-68 Š./1988-89.
Markaz-e āmār-e Īrān, Sar-šomārī-e ʿomūmī-e nofūs wa maskan, 1365. Farhang-e ābādīhā-ye kešvar: Šahrestān-e Karaj, Tehran, 1368 Š./1989.
Sāzmān-e joḡrāfīāʾī-e kešvar, Naqša-ye ʿamalīyāt-e moštarak. zamīnī-e Āmol, Tehran, 1351 Š./1972, map.
Sāzmān-e joḡrāfīāʾī-e nīrūhā-ye mosallaḥ, Farhang-e joḡrafīāʾī-e ābādīhā-ye kešvar-e jomhūrī-e eslāmī-e Īrān XXVII, Tehran, 1370 Š./1991, 259.
Wezārat-e jehād-e sāzandagī, Farhang-e eqteṣādī-e dehāt wa mazāreʿ-e ostān-e Tehrān, Tehran, 1363 Š./1984, p. 52.
Wezārat-e kešvar, Edāra-ye koll-e āmār wa ṯabt-e aḥwāl, Ketāb-e asāmī-e dehāt-e kešvar I, Tehran, 1324 Š./1945, p. 250.
Wezārat-e rāh o tarābarī, Daftarča-ye masāfāt-e rāhhā-ye kešvar, Tehran, n.d., p. 50.
Idem, Naqša-ye rāhhā-ye Īrān, Tehran, 1370 Š./1991, map.
(Minu Yusof Nezhad)
Originally Published: December 15, 2000
Last Updated: February 2, 2012
This article is available in print.
Vol. X, Fasc. 3, p. 245