Praise of Iranica

A real tour de force. There is no project in the entire Middle Eastern field more worthy of support than the Encyclopaedia Iranica.”

Prof. Richard N. Frye, Harvard University, In Journal of the American Oriental Society


The Encyclopaedia Iranica volumes are the most extensive and important contributions to the study of Islamic and pre-Islamic Iranian history and culture that have been made in this century.

Dr. Prudence Harper, Curator Emerita of Ancient Near Eastern Art at the Metropolitan Museum of Art


The foremost reference work on Iran ever produced and one of the premier reference works in the humanities published in our time.

Prof. Roy Mottahedeh, Harvard University, in Middle East Journal


The Encyclopaedia Iranica will be judged as the most significant contribution of our century to the advancement of Iranian studies as a scholarly enterprise.

Prof. Ali Banuazizi, Boston College, in International Journal of Middle East Studies


Une grande entreprise.

Prof. Gilbert Lazard, Membre de lʼInstitut, in Journal Asiatique


The Encyclopaedia Iranica is not just a necessity for Iranists; it is of inestimable value for everyone concerned with the history and culture of the Middle East.

Prof. Richard Bulliet, Columbia University, in International Journal of Middle Eastern Studies


La première fois quʼune encyclopédie pluridisciplinaire sur lʼIran est mise en chantier.

Prof. Jean Calmard, University of Paris, in Abstracta Iranica


This monument of scholarship in Iranian Studies is a mine of detailed information, with bibliographical references, on every aspect of Iranian history, thought, languages, and civilization.

Dr. Farhad Daftary, Institute of Ismaili Studies, in Journal of the American Oriental Society


“[Encyclopaedia Iranica] is an invaluable aid not only to Iranian scholars but also to scholars of Assyrian history, ancient Greek and Roman history, and the history of Islam, as well as archaeologists and historians of culture and religion.

Dr. I. N. Medvedskaya, Oriental Institute, St. Petersburg, in Vestnik Drevnej Istorii (translated text)


“Encyclopaedia Iranica is indispensable for any scholarly work of specialists in the fields of Iranian and Islamic Studies. [It] deserves the highest praise and full support.

Prof. Werner Ende, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, in ZDMG (translated text)


Une grande entreprise qui fera certainement date dans lʼhistoire des études Iraniennes.

The late Prof. Z. Telegdi, University of Budapest, in Archiv Orientalni, Prague


Mit der vorliegenden Encyclopaedia ist ein jahrhundertwerk in Angriff genommen worden.

The late Prof. Bertold Spuler, University of Hamburg, in Der Islam


By contrast [to the Encyclpaedia of Islam] Islamic art and architecture play a far larger role in ... Encylopaedia Iranica ... [It] includes many biographies of artists, including painters, calligraphers, potters, metalworkers, and woodcarvers, as well as entries on cities and media, such as ceramics, carpets, and calligraphy.

Dr. Sheila Blair, Boston College, in Middle East Studies Association Bulletin