HYENA, Hyaena hyaena (Linnaeus, 1758; Figure 1), Pers. kaftār. The striped hyena is the only current Asian representative of the mammalian family Hyaenidae. It is a medium-sized carnivore with a relatively large head and with the forequarters heavier than the hindquarters; the legs are long, with four digits on each foot. Hyenas weigh about 35-45 kg. Their pelage is long (shorter in summer than in winter), gray-white to yellowish brown on the sides, legs, and back, with black cross-stripes. Their stiff, black mane on the neck and back is erectile in anger and fear, giving the hyena a larger and more formidable aspect. There is a large black patch on the throat. The tail is about 40 cm in length, with black and gray hairs, and it is stiffened during social interactions. Males and females are similar in appearance, although the males are slightly larger on average. An anal sac containing glands that secrete a thick, pungent, fatty substance can be everted to mark objects and in social interactions. Although somewhat dog-like in appearance, studies of their evolutionary relationships identify the hyenas as closer relatives of the Felidae (cats) and Viverridae (civets) (Wayne et al., 1989; Martin, 1989).
The species is distributed across North Africa and southwestern Asia. In the Middle East it occurs throughout the Arabian peninsula, east and north through Iran, Afghanistan, and Baluchistan, and from Asia Minor through southern Central Asia. In Iran, it is widely distributed throughout the country; they are present in large numbers along the coast of the Persian Gulf, but are less common in the north of the country.
During prehistoric times (into the Upper Paleolithic) the spotted hyena, Crocuta crocuta (Erlexleben, 1777), now confined to Africa, was also present in the Middle East; and from about three million to half a million years ago a much larger, now extinct hyena, Pachycrocuta brevirostris (Aymard), was part of the mammal megafauna of Eurasia.
Ognev (1962), describing hyena habitat in the former Soviet Union, said that they select remote, deserted places without human habitations. Ilani (1975) and others studying hyenas in Israel and Egypt found that they have adapted well to areas of human habitation and to coexistence with people. They prefer rocky hillsides where there are caves and crevices, but forage for food over flat terrain as well. A variety of other carnivores occur in the same habitats, including foxes, wolves, jackals, caracals, and leopards. The natural history of hyenas has not been studied in Iran, and most of what is known about this animal in Asia is a result of studies carried out in Israel by Ilani (1975), Macdonald (1978), Skinner and Ilani (1979), Bouskila (1985), and Van Aarde et al. (1988). For a summary of the natural history of the hyena in the former Soviet Union, see Ognev (1931[1962]), and Rustamov and Sopyev (1994). See Harrington (1977) for comments on the hyena in Iran.
Striped hyenas are nocturnal, with two peaks of activity: in the early hours of darkness and in the dark hours before dawn. During the winter and early summer, they remain outside the lair for an extra two hours to rest and warm themselves in the morning sun, and in cloudy and rainy weather they may be active also during the day. Their lairs are naturally occurring caves, which they often enlarge by digging to suit their needs, sometimes with several chambers. Where there are no natural caves, they may take over the burrows of porcupines and badgers. Since they are bone accumulators, hyena caves are important sites for archeologists, often providing sequential records of the local faunas during periods of human habitation of a region (Ilani, 1975).
Striped hyenas are omnivorous, but their most obvious special adaptation is their ability to crack large bones in order to extract the marrow. They are best known as scavengers, feeding on the kills of larger carnivores, where these occur, or the carcasses of wild and domestic animals which die of natural causes or from being hit by vehicles on the roads. They are able to catch, kill, and eat small animals, particularly such things as tortoises, hedgehogs, and hares, and they feed opportunistically on a wide variety of insects. They have been observed to attack and kill or injure larger animals, particularly the young of domestic stock. Along the coast, they forage for intertidal invertebrates, as well as scavenging larger marine animals that wash ashore. Striped hyenas also consume quantities of vegetable matter and are fond of agricultural produce, particularly dates, melons, and other fruits. Thus, they may cause damage to crops and flocks around villages near where they live. They frequent refuse dumps and have adjusted well to living near humans, even though they are persecuted for their presumed depredations. They are widely believed to disturb shallow graves, and there is some direct evidence of this; certainly human skulls and post-cranial material have been found in their lairs. They are feared in many places, even though there is little reliable evidence that they attack people; folklore is rife with stories of hyenas killing humans, and many older studies have incorporated folk legends and travel tales uncritically.
After a three-month gestation, two to four hyena cubs are born in the spring; the cubs are altricial, that is, born without teeth, capable of only limited movement for several weeks and highly dependent upon their mother, both during the time they are nursing and during a period of provisioning; they remain in or near the den throughout this time.
The social behavior of striped hyenas has been described by Ilani (1975), supplemented by the observations of Bouskila (1985). Ilani (1975) and Rieger (1981) discussed the vocalizations of hyenas, stating that their observations indicated that they were among the quietest carnivores, despite their reputation for cackling “laughter” and bloodcurdling sounds.
Hyenas are shy in their contacts with humans, rarely even attempting to bite when they are attacked. Harrington (1977) reported that in eastern Iran it was once a common sport to hunt hyenas by hand, a group of men entering a hyena den before a crowd of spectators. After a brief struggle marked by loud shouting by the men and growls from the hyena, the hunters would emerge with the hyena trussed with ropes. Similar reports are recounted by Osborn and Helmy (1980). Hyenas have been tamed and kept as pets, even housepets (Ognev, 1931 [1962]), and the ancient Egyptians supposedly trained them for hunting (Osborn and Helmy, 1980). According to Osborn and Helmy (1980), the meat of hyenas has been eaten in the Arabian peninsula and North Africa up to the present day, and various parts and organs are used as charms and medicines. Economic losses to hyenas are relatively small, and crops and village-based livestock can be protected by adequate fencing.
The principal threats to hyena populations today are vehicular traffic (since they scavenge road kills at night), the wanton shooting of hyenas, and secondary poisoning, especially for those that feed at refuse dumps contaminated by industrial chemicals. The hyena is a protected species in Iran.
Simon K. Bearder, “The Hyena Family,” in David Macdonald, ed., The Encyclopedia of Mammals, New York, 1984, pp. 154-58.
A. Birula, “Contributions à la classification et à la distribution géographique des mammiferes. III. Carnivores, recuéillis dans la Perse par M. N. A. Zaroudny en 1896, 1898, 1900-1901, 1903-1904,” Annuaire du Musée Zoologique de l’Académie Imperiale des Sciences de St. Petersbourg 17,1912, pp. 219-80.
William T. Blanford, Eastern Persia, an Account of the Journeys of the Persian Boundary Commission 1870-71-72, London, 1876, II. Yoni Bouskila, “A closer look at the striped hyena,” Israel—Land and Nature 11, 1985, pp. 50-56.
E. R. C. Davidar, “Observations at a Hyaena hyaena (Linn.) den,” Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 87/3, 1990, pp. 445-47.
R. F. Ewer, The Carnivores, Ithaca, 1973.
John J. Flynn, “Carnivoran phylogeny and rates of evolution: morphological, taxic, and molecular,” in John L. Gittleman, ed., Carnivore Behavior, Ecology and Evolution, Ithaca and London. 1996, II, pp. 542-81.
M. W. Fox, “Ontogeny of a Social Display in Hyaena hyaena: Anal Protrusion,” Journal of Mammalogy 52, 1971, pp. 467-69.
Fred A. Harrington, A Guide to the Mammals of Iran, Tehran, 1977.
D. L. Harrison, The Mammals of Arabia, London,1968, II, pp. 193-381.
Robert T. Hatt, The Mammals of Iraq, Ann Arbor, 1959, pp. 1-113.
Liora Kolska Horwitz and Paul Goldberg, “A study of Pleistocene and Holocene hyaena coprolites,” Journal of Archaeological Science 16, 1989, pp. 71-94.
Idem and Julian Kerbis, “Hyena at Home,” Israel—Land and Nature 16/4, 1991, pp. 162-65.
Idem and Patricia Smith, “The effects of striped hyaena activity on human remains,” Journal of Archaeological Science 15, 1988, pp. 471-78.
F. Clark Howell and Germaine Petter, “The Pachycrocuta and Hyaena lineages (Plio-Pleistocene and extant species of the Hyaenidae). Their relationships with Miocene Ictitheres: Palhyaena and Hyaenictherium,” Geobios 13, 1980, pp. 579-623.
Robert M., Hunt Jr., “Biogeography of the Order Carnivora,” in John L. Gittleman, ed., Carnivore Behavior, Ecology and Evolution, Ithaca and London, 1996, II, pp. 485-541.
Giora Ilani, “Hyaenas in Israel,” Israel—Land and Nature, October 1975, pp. 10-18.
Julian C. Kerbis-Peterhans and Liora Kolska Horwitz, “A bone assemblage from a striped hyaena (Hyaena hyaena) den in the Negev Desert, Israel,” Israel Journal of Zoology 37, 1992, pp. 225-45.
Björn Kurtén, “The Carnivora of the Palestine caves,” Acta Zoologica Fennica 107, 1965, pp. 1-74.
Douglas M. Lay, “A study of the mammals of Iran resulting from the Street Expedition of 1962-63,” Fieldiana: Zoology 54, 1967, pp. 1-282.
V. S. Lukarevsky, “Feeding of the leopard (Panthera pardus), striped hyena (Hyaena hyaena) and wolf (Canis lupus) in the south-west Koppeh Dagh,” Zoologicheskiĭ Zhurnal 67/2, 1988, pp. 310-15 (in Russian).
D. W. Macdonald, “Observations on the behaviour and ecology of the striped hyaena (Hyaena hyaena) in Israel,” Israel Journal of Zoology 27, 1978, pp. 189-98.
Larry D. Martin, “Fossil history of the terrestrial Carnivora,” in John L. Gittleman, ed., Carnivore Behavior, Ecology and Evolution, 1989, I, pp. 536-68.
M. G. L. Mills, “Comparative behavioral ecology of hyenas,” in John L. Gittleman, ed., Carnivore Behavior, Ecology and Evolution, 1989, I, pp. 125-42.
Xavier Misonne, “Analyse zoogéographique des mammiferes de l’Iran,” Memoires d’Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelle de Belgique 59 (Deuxième série), 1959.
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Claus Naumann, and G. Nogge, “Die Grossäuger Afghanistans,” Zeitschrift Kölner Zoo 16, 1973, pp. 79-93.
Sergei Ivanovich Ognev, Mammals of Eastern Europe and Northern Asia, Jerusalem, 1962, II, pp. 1-590.
D. J. Osborn and I. Helmy, “The contemporary land mammals of Egypt (including Sinai),” Fieldiana: Zoology 5 (NS), 1980, pp. 1-579.
Ingo Rieger, “A review of the biology of striped hyaenas: Hyaena hyaena (Linné, 1758),” Säugetierkunde Mitteilungen 27/2, 1979a, pp. 81-95.
Idem, “Beobachtungen zur Aufzucht von Streifen hyänen: Hyaena hyaena,” Vierteljahrsschrift der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zürich 124/3, 1979b, pp. 169-83.
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J. D. Skinner, S. Davis, and G. Ilani, “Bone collecting by striped hyaenas, Hyaena hyaena, in Israel,” Paleontologia Africana 23, 1980, pp. 99-104.
J. D. Skinner and G. Ilani, “The striped hyaena, Hyaena hyaena, of the Judean and Negev deserts and a comparison with the brown hyaena H. brunnea,” Israel Journal of Zoology 28, 1979, pp. 229-32.
R. J. Van Aarde, J. D. Skinner, M. H. Knight, and D. C. Skinner, “Range use by a striped hyaena (Hyaena hyaena) in the Negev desert,” Journal of the Zoological Society 216, 1988, pp. 575-77.
Robert K. Wayne, Raoul E. Benveniste, Dianne N. Janczewski, and Stephen J. O’Brien, “Molecular and biochemical evolution of the carnivora,” in John L. Gittleman, ed., Carnivore Behavior, Ecology and Evolution, Ithaca and London, 1989, I, pp. 465-94.
L. Werdelin and N. Solounias, “The Hyaenidae: taxonomy, systematics and evolution,” Fossils and Strata 30, 1991, pp. 1-104.
(Steven C. Anderson)
Originally Published: December 15, 2004
Last Updated: March 27, 2012
This article is available in print.
Vol. XII, Fasc. 6, pp. 600-603
Prior to the nineteenth century there are no known reports mentioning the hunting of hyenas, part from getting killed during a battue. However, in the nineteenth century it was hunted by the Kurds as well as by the Afghans, whose hunting method were similar. The hunters, a mixed group of horsemen and men of foot, accompanied by many boys, greyhounds and sheepdogs went hunting and when they found tracks of a hyena they followed them. Near the ravines where the hunters knew they lived they found its den.
A semicircle was accordingly formed before the hole, two or three, who had swords, unsheathing them, and the boys standing fearlessly by them with stones and sticks, or holding back the yelling dogs. Syud Daoud [the lead hunter] ordered us to be as quiet as possible, in order that he might go into the den and tie the beast; but the hyena alarmed at the barking of the dogs, came out upon us unexpectedly, throwing over a man who stood guard at the entrance with his sword. The boys without the least appearance of fear, shouted and screamed, while they rained blows upon the brute’s back with sticks and stones, the swordsmen every now and then making a cut at his hide.
Although the hunters tried to chase the animal neither they nor the dogs could bring it down and it finally disappeared into a ravine. Syud Daoud who was said to have, at one time, tied up three hyenas in one day related to Connolly how a hyena was caught.
When you have tracked the beast to his den, you take a rope with two slip-knots upon it in your right hand, and, with your left holding a felt cloak before you, you go boldly but quietly in. The animal does not know what is the nature of the danger, and therefore retires to the back of his den; but you may always tell where his head is by the glare of his eyes. You keep moving on gradually towards him on your knees, and when you are within distance, throw the cloak over his head, close with him, and take care that he does not free himself: the beast is so frightened that he cowers back, and, though he may bite the felt, he cannot turn his neck round to hurt you, so you quietly feel for his two fore legs, slip the knots over them, and then with one strong pull draw them tight up to the back of his neck and tie them there. The beast is now your own, and you do what you like with him. We generally take those which we catch home to the khail, and hunt them on the plain with bridles in their mouth, that our dogs may be taught not to fear the brutes when they meet them wild.
The Baluch also hunted hyenas. According to Mir Barakat, the chief of the Biyaban district, one man was even able to catch a hyena while running after it. Although neither the meat nor the skin of the hyena was used, its stomach was greatly prized as an infallible love potion, while its hair was shaved off, because it was an equally infallible remedy against retention of urine in a horse.