ḤOSAYN B. ʿALI B. ABI ṬĀLEB, ABU ʿABD-ALLĀH (also referred to among Shiʿites as Sayyed-al-Šohadāʾ), the second surviving grandson of the Prophet Moḥammad through his daughter Fāṭema (q.v.) and the third Imam of the Shiʿites after his father and his elder brother Ḥasan.

i. Life and significance in Shiʿism.

ii. In popular Shiʿism.

iii. The passion (taʿzia) of Ḥosayn (for a more comprehensive treatment, see TA'ZIA)

(Multiple Authors)

Originally Published: December 15, 2004

Last Updated: March 23, 2012

This article is available in print.
Vol. XII, Fasc. 5, pp. 493-506