ʿABD-AL-ḤAMĪD B. ʿĪSĀ B. ʿAMMŌYA B. YŪNOS (or YŪSOF) B. ḴALĪL TABRĪZĪ ḴOSROWŠĀHĪ, ŠAMS-AL-DĪN ABŪ MOḤAMMAD (580-652/1184-1254), physician, theologian, philosopher, and jurist. He was born in the village of Ḵosrowšāh near Tabrīz. He studied tradition (Hadith) with Moʾayyad b. Moḥammad b. ʿAlī Ṭūsī (d. 617/1220); among his own disciples were the well-known traditionist Abū Moḥammad ʿAbd-al-Moʾmen b. Ḵalaf Demyātī (d. 705/1306) and Zayn-al-dīn b. al-Moraḥḥel (i.e., ʿOmar b. Makkī b. ʿAbd-al-Ṣamad, d. 691/1292), the ḵaṭīb of Damascus. In theology ʿAbd-al-Ḥamīd was a fervent follower of Faḵr-al-dīn Rāzī (d. 606/1209), whom he quotes frequently. He lived for many years in Damascus, and the Ayyubid ruler Salāḥ-al-dīn Dāvūd (A.H. 624-26) summoned him to al-Karak in order to learn from his teaching. ʿAbd-al-Ḥamīd then returned to Damascus, where he died. His works include: 1. Moḵtaṣar al-mohaḏḏab, an abridgment of the compendium of Shafeʿite law by Šīrāzī (d. 476/1083). 2. An abridgment of Ebn Sīnā’s Šefāʾ, which perhaps dealt mainly with the Categories, since it is called Moḵtaṣar al-maqālāt in Sobkī’s Ṭabaqāt al-šāfeʿīya. 3. A continuation (tatemma) of Faḵr-al-dīn Rāzī’s al-Āyāt al-bayyenāt.


Sobkī, Ṭabaqāt 2, VIII, pp. 161f. Ebn Kaṯīr, al-Bedāya wa’l-nehāya, Cairo, 1351- /1932- , XIII, p. 185.

Abū Šāma, Ḏayl al-rawżatayn, Cairo, 1366/1947, p. 188.

Ebn ʿAbd-al-Ḥamīdī Oṣaybeʿa, ʿOyūn al-anbāʾ, Cairo, 1299/1882, II, pp. 173f.

Ebn al-ʿEmād, Šaḏarāt al-ḏahab, Cairo, 1350-51/1931-33, V, p. 225.

Ebn Taḡrīberdī, VII, p. 32.

Kašf al-ẓonūn (Istanbul) II, pp. 1055, 1913.

Zereklī, Aʿlām 1 IV, p. 59.

(G. C. Anawati)

Originally Published: December 15, 1982

Last Updated: July 14, 2011

This article is available in print.
Vol. I, Fasc. 1, pp. 110-111

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G. C. Anawati, “Abd-Al-Hamid B. Isa,” Encyclopædia Iranica, I/1, p. 110-111; an updated version is available online at http://www.iranicaonline.org/articles/abd-al-hamid-b-isa (accessed on 12 January 2014).